Spirit Babies on Earth


    Spirit Babies are a sacred gathering of souls deciding to come to Earth to experience evolutionary astrology, personal power, liberation and authentic mastery. Spirit Babies choose parents and parents choose Spirit Babies for karma clearing, generational healing and soul evolution. Spirit Babies are spirit guides to parents since childhood and support the creative destiny of humanity. There are many different types of Spirit Babies. There are ancestral, past life, tribe members, starseeds and recycled souls choosing to be reborn in the physical to clear karma and reach higher levels of self mastery. Spirit Baby Blessing is a ritual that clears, heals and raises the vibration of both parent and Spirit Baby/newly arriving child through a practice of self-discovery, expansion and authentic coding.

    Women are the gateway for souls to arrive on Earth. Femme consciousness is the highest creative expression that holds interstellar frequencies of mastery, ascension and sovereignty/freedom on planet Earth. Females hold the authentic code, alchemist power and evolutionary talents, gifts of Spirit Babies in her two arclines (ear lobe to ear lobe and nipple to nipple like arching raindows), nervous system and auric field. Spirit Babies are captured in the auric field of  the mother like a dream catcher. They align with the mother through her liberation, creation and embodiment established in her free will choices to expand beyond limitation, fear, lower vibrations and clear her path towards creative wholeness and healing fulfillment. Spirit Babies are a soul agreement made between parent and child to support the growth and development of humanity. Spirit Babies desire to fulfill their soul mastery on planet Earth to gain wisdom, the highest completion. Spirit Babies seek parents who have liberation, creation and embodiment to integrate their own Akashic Record power into the mother. The mother is a pathway of integrating large amouunt of higher interdimensional energies into the finite Earth realm. Every upgrade, uplevel, breakthrough and accomplishment of the mother creates space for Spirit Babies to download advanced soul energy into the arclines, nervous system and auric field of the mother. A woman who develops her voice, personal power, sovereignty/freedom and creativity journeys through rite of passage of womanhood that grants her higher vibrational energies that Spirit Babies want to experience in the physical. Overall, Spirit Babies want physical experience or (spiritual realm experience of being a spirit guide) of completion, advanced study and knowledge through assignment, adventures and free will choices to expand and evolve the creative potential. They are attracted to the radiant body of the mother and use her emotional and spiritual nourishment through achieved wonder and joy as a template to help themselves come into their natural gifts or desired gifts and pioneering intentions for their own creative destiny, which is different for every Spirit Baby depending on the Akashic Record knowledge gathered from interdimensional and incarnational complete and incomplete lessons and soul courage.


Kundalini Yoga for Spirit Baby Communication