Birth Canal


    Birth Canal is 10th gateway that connects the core of the universe with Earth. Birth Canal connects to the 8 chakras, 10 bodies and nadi channels. Birth Canal anchors at the naval, expands at the heart and shares at the third eye. Spirit Babies are held in the Birth Canal of the mother for many years before conception even in childhood. Birth Canal is a library for Spirit Babies to learn, grow and excel. Spirit Babies gather wisdom from the Birth Canal of the mother because it connects to the entire matriarchal line of women and lineage of the ancient bloodline. Birth Canal is the alchemist power of a female that holds interstellar consciousness inside its creative movement. How women unleash this alchemist power is through voice, personal power, sovereignty study and creativity. The 10th gate is above the head and represents a white sun (Holy Spirit), source of pure alchemy. Spirit Babies remain in 10th gate receiving karma clearing, generational healing and DNA sequencing for the physical form to align with the soul form. The soul of the newly arriving child wants to align the physical body with the soul expression as much as possible and can connect with the mother telepathically, spiritually, psychically to help itself. Spirit Babies will assist its mother in attracting a fulfilling relationship, raising her self-worth, achieving higher creativity and anything that may support the wholeness and confidence of the woman.

    Birth Canal is a sensual and sexual fire that brings great energy to alchemy, which is transmutation, transformation and transcendence. Pure alchemy known as White Tantra is a source of the complete soul. Spirit Babies will adjust the Red Tantra and Green Tantra of the mother and father by downloading its consciousness into the coil of physical and spiritual movements like roots and branches to a descending and ascending life form. The more rooted a woman is in her ancient lineage of divinity, the more fruit she bares on outstretching branches. Birth Canal can be seen as the passage through the spine or trunk of tree that carries nutrients from ancient lineage or rich soil into psychic receptors or leaves, receive light from celestial energy or sunlight and emotional healing or water brings purification or growth to fruit. Women bare fruit. Men pollinate like bees traveling from flower to flower. Femme consciousness brought a garden of diversity of fruit to Earth because her Birth Canal is rainbow frequency in the understanding of synergy, reconciliation and renaissance.

    Here are programs for unlocking the Birth Canal and connecting to female energy.

Movement Modality

Womb Blessing

Yoni Joy

Mana Wahine Heart